Different people seem to have different experiences when travelling in Quebec. Years ago we (the wife and I) were travelling in Quebec and had a very poor experience in one of their restaurants. We left very soon thereafter and have never returned.

One of our daughters and her new husband travelled into Quebec and were so impressed (?) they left the Province (I believe the same night) and have never returned.

While camping in Texas one winter there were a group of French -Canadians staying in the same campground. I was told the majority of them were from Manitoba. In any case none of them would even return a greeting when we walked through the campground in the evenings.

I have a friend who was a sales manager for a major company and very accustomed to dealing with people. His last name would seem to identify him as French background. He kept a large power boat docked in south Florida. He said when new people came to the marina and went for a drink he only introduced himself by his first name. He said this was because the French were so disliked in that area.

I'm sure there must be some good ones there but the reputation they have is one they have earned themselves!
