Historically, you folks fought to sever ties to The Crown whereas we chose to be United Empire Loyalists.

What may not be so well known is that there were plenty of United Empire Loyalists in the USA in revolutionary times, too. Daniel Boone and family, being English, having some strong leanings in this direction, if i recall correctly. And taking some community heat for the fact.

Our loyalty to England may in fact have much to do with our reputation for being level-headed and mannerly compared to the USA, generally speaking. In fact i heard it explained somewhere that the regions of the USA itself that do have a reputation for good manners (the traditional South for instance) can thank their largely English regional heritage for this. And that the contrasting brash rudeness that may prevail elsewhere and which the USA has a reputation for internationally is to be blamed on the Germans who dominated in these other regions. smile

From a race of hunters, artists, warriors, and tamers of horses, we degraded ourselves to what we are now: clerks, functionaries, laborers, entertainers, processors of information.
� Edward Abbey