I was told a story. My great grandfather was a boy. His father had a rifle that was a shooter. He won all the local shooting matches with it. A local woman came by and said she could put a hex on it. GGFather said kiss a pig. Suddenly said rifle won't hit Sheet. After some consultation, GGFather was told to draw a picture of the the woman, and shoot it with said rifle. GGF did so, but the ball struck the drawing in the arm. Next morning, the old hag showed up at the family farm with her arm in a sling. Asked to borrow some sugar. GGF's Mother sent hag packing, but before she left, she grabbed a dish towel and made an escape. Apparently, they gotta take something.

"The number one problem with America is, a whole lot of people need shot, and nobody is shooting them."
-Master Chief Hershel Davis