Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by OldHat

We will all find out sooner or later as we will all stand before God and answer to Him.

"Time and Tide waits for no man"

God botherer OldHat quotes Geoffery Chaucer
who wrote fairytales containing Greco-Roman
pagan gods. .. TFF... 😂

The aptly named - "Canterbury Tales"

But GC does mix it up a bit, also drawing
fiction from Biblical sources.. So you got
characters going on christian pilgrimage
and praying to pagan Mars, Venus and
Diana for divine intervention.

You're rambling.

The quote stands and the clock does not stop. Every knee will bow.

"That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;"  (Php 2:10)