Originally Posted by Bristoe
If you want to drink,....drink. If you don't want to,...don't. If you drink and decide you don't want to,...quit.

I'd rather be around a drunk than somebody virtue signaling because they don't drink.

For years as a young guy I wouldn't drink.
Now, 1 if I'm driving. 2-3 max even if I'm not.

If there is one thing in the world drunks hate, it someone who won't drink.
The second would be the guy who stops with a few.

Darn near went fisticuffs with several friends over it,
Drunk and belligerent, they get seriously offended when I say "No thanks".
I get pissed when they start trying to force me to take another.

Virtue signaling?
Never heard that.
Is it like mansplaining or "microaggressions"?

I simply quit because I don't like to lose any control.
Drunks are vulnerable, and often stupid.
There is too much that's out of my control sober,
And I don't need help with stupid.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!