Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by SPQR70AD
Originally Posted by deflave
I'm pretty convinced that the mob whacked JFK and his brother, and Oswald.

They keep it under wraps because the world's largest superpower doesn't want to admit that a bunch of dirty ass Italians put the president in place, and had him killed when he didn't maintain his part of the deal.

yea a bunch of dirty ass Italians killed a white hating irish bas tard JFK. that includes his brothers. many irish in politics hate white people like gov murphy of NJ. if the Italians killed him I am glad they did. but more likely the CIA along with pissrael did it

How did the Israelis figure into this?

as a jew I know you are lying not knowing the facts. JFK wanted to close dimona nuke site. he made that a top priority. the only thing he done right was to predict when that shi tty little country got nukes they would blackmail the world. look up the samson option where they brag they have targeted EVERY european capital