My 50 year old brother is in the hospital in the cardiac unit at a big Boise medical center. They said he almost died yesterday but made it through the night and is doing a bit better today.

My younger brother tested positive today. They all got together for Thanksgiving but I wouldn't let my family go. They would have liked me to go but know I'm high risk because I'm on immunosuppressants and steroids and have severe apnea. I'm glad I skipped Thanksgiving but it sucks feeling like you can't go help out.

My wife's a PA and we're lucky she hasn't brought it home. She usually works in a Dr's office that screens people and often catches it and sends them fir testing before they go in. Yesterday they made her cover at an urgent care because we were still in town. She saw 30 patients yesterday and said at least 25 had covid. We are a little nervous right now. She said it was crazy the number of covid patients at this little urgent care in Rigby. She said suspected patients had to wait in their cars until a room opened up. They have 6-7 exam rooms and she said several times 5 people were waiting in the parking lot.

I'll probably take the vaccine when it comes out. She said it may be her Dec 12th which is my Birthday so I told her that's what I wanted for my birthday. Still a little nervous about a new tech rna vaccine but ill probably give it a try if I get the chance. I'm always a bit concerned about vaccines even though I know they do a lot of good because I've seen a few people injured by them. The shingles vaccine gave my dad who's not diabetic or even insulin resistant severe neuropathy.
