Regarding the mask thing, I wear mine in the hospital when I have patient contact, but otherwise I don't. My coworkers are the same and we don't wear a mask in the hospital unless a patient (or our boss) is nearby. I'm somewhat ambivalent about it. I don't live in one of the commie states that makes an issue of it. I think a private business can ask customers to wear it if they want, and I can choose to either go there or not. I have choices. I don't really go out that often, so it's not like I'm having to change behavior. Do they work or not? I really don't care either way.

What I do find puzzling though is the number of people I know that rant about the government and masks, but also ask the government for permission and pay for the ability to exercise an actual constitutional right. To me, a CC permit is far more of a government intrusion than the mask, and I refuse to to get permission to carry, even though I do carry whenever I want. I guess we all draw lines somewhere.

As a hospital worker who sees COVID patients every day, I'm not particularly worried about it for myself and really don't go out of my way to avoid it. I'm not old, overweight, diabetic, with multiple other risk factors, so even if I do get it the chances of it being severe are minimal (although not zero).

Don't just be a survivor, be a competitor.