Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by jorgeI

Is the 03 more accurate? probably yes. Is the 03 a stronger, better action, yes. Is the 03's caliber superior to the 303? undoubtedly. Is the o3 a better combat rifle when it comes to reliability? even. But as a combat rifle, not even close and the Germans agreed. Refer to the first German encounter with the BEF in Belgium in 1914. fascinating story on the fast AND accurate rates of fire the Brits put out.. BTW, there are also literally dozens of videos out there on comparing these rifles and it really leaves no doubt..

OK, jorge.

Since you're going to make me say it I'll just say it.

I hate the English. Therefore, the 03A3 is better.

one must admit the 03 and 03a3 "borrowed certain aspects from the mauser
i would not want to admit how many springfields i own. more than one. am fond of them.
the enfield was faster to fire
held more rounds
had adjustible to fit stocks
i have grown to love them