that is a pretty good article and is sort of my attitude. my work is stressful at times and i know it takes its toll on me. i realized way too late in the game that my career field did not fit my psyche well at all. but i was too far into it, with family, etc to change. and frankly didn't have the balls or the energy. now my conundrum is:

1 - look for a job in the same field and stress level and pay. i am concerned if i don't work in my field for more than a few months i am going to lose my skills
2 - collect unemployment for as long as possible and then look for a different type of job and let fate steer me. kind of think this also isn't going to fit my psyche either. might be more stressed without the pay.
3 - spend my days at the legion drinking all day and bitching about biden and hope i die by 80.

My diploma is a DD214