Originally Posted by Dutch
What I hear is that you really don't like the work you do, but you do it for the money. That is poison to the soul. It also seems you are in a good position financially, and while you have some wants, your needs are minor.

I'd suggest taking some time to figure out what you want, and go pursue that. Might make less money, might make more. Generally, we do much better at something if we actually enjoy and take pride in what we do. That can be your own show, or be the trusted second in command at someone else's show. Job one right now is to figure out what you want to do when you grow up.

this is the truth. i look back on life and realize that if i had a job that didn't suck the life out of me, i would have been happier and so would my family. hind sight is 20/20 for sure. and yes, the last sentence is my goal.

My diploma is a DD214