Another Avenue is technical training.
Probably not what you were making before but it’s a solid $65 to $90k a year job.

I would get on LinkedIn, create a profile that highlights your skill sets and check the box that’s says you are open to job offers. Make posts about technical topics you know, link to other topics that interest you. Show a potential employer you are highly engaged in your field.

Start networking with known associates and their connections. That will open up more opportunities.

Also hit up Seems to be a landing spot for tech jobs.

Finally with your down time pick up a relatively new skill set that is in demand, like python or low code apps like Mendix

Good luck, losing a job in our age bracket is a reality all of us could face.

Last edited by KFWA; 01/25/21.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings