I was turned down about a year after I had bought a rifle from the same store. I went through the appeal process and it was again denied but with conditions. The LGS was able to sell me gun. When I got the reason for turning me down from the TBI they said that I had a list of convictions that I had to clear up. If you've never had this type of thing happen you are lucky. Trying to clean up a negative is almost impossible. I had an attorney write to the city where the crimes were supposed to have happened and the city wrote back that they had no record of the crimes. (Of course they didn't. It didn't happen.) We sent letter to the TBI and asked that it be cleared up. The response I got back was absurd. They said that just because the reporting city does not have any records of the crime, does not mean the crime didn't take place. The dates of the supposed crimes were over 45 years before I applied. I would have been 16, a minor. I pointed that out to them and they said basically, too bad. To clear it up, I had to go to federal court and appeal the decision. The judge looked at everything and ruled right on the spot that my record had to be cleared. After two years I got a letter from the FBI saying that my records had been cleared and I was now able to purchase a firearm without an appeal process. Thanks goodness I had the money to fight this. Many would not. It cost me over twenty thousand dollars to clear my name. I never found out why these charges had been attributed to me and I will never know. BTW,,,from the time of the initial turn down to receiving the final letter from the FBI was almost four years.

I wish you the best of luck. When you are right you have to fight it as far as you can. If we all don't do our part, we will lose our rights completely.