Originally Posted by KFWA
Originally Posted by Beaver10
Pictures are somewhere in a box.

Pop was a Alamo Scout in the Pacific theater.

3 Bronze Stars, one with Valor and a Purple Heart.

He said very little about his war experience to any of his sons. Old school man. Keep them hard memories locked down tight.

At his life’s end. He was sure he was going to hell for all the killing he’d done.

He passed peacefully.


I belong to the Alamo Scout facebook group. I've talked to Lance Zedric years ago.

I made the mistake of contacting Lance Zedric without first talking it over with dad. Lance wanted to fly out and interview Pop for a another book he was writing.

Dad, being in his last year of life wasn’t interested in talking to Lance, or anyone for that matter about the war.

Old buzzard said he’d take the war to his grave...And, he did.

I remember helping dad clean out some stuff he had in several trunk cases at my grandmas house after she died.

Inside dad had a few of his Army uniforms and jackets with the AS 6th Army patch. They went to the Goodwill.

30 years later, I was like, well damn, those patches are considered one of the rarest military patches to have.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”