Originally Posted by JeffyD
Originally Posted by Beaver10
Pop was a Alamo Scout in the Pacific theater.

At his life’s end. He was sure he was going to hell for all the killing he’d done. 🦫

I had a close friend and neighbor who experienced the same fears as he was dying of cancer. He was terrified, and there was no consoling him.
He had been a glider trooper who survived both D-Day and Holland. After landing in Holland, the first three guys who exited their glider were killed. He was number 4, but made it out. Nicest guy ever, with a terrific sense of humor. I'm sure God welcomed him home.

Yeah, I was saying the standard stuff... “Pop, it was war, Japs were trying to kill you too.”

I finally brought in a Priest to talk with him...All good after the Priest left.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”