I've spent 50 years listening to.people argue this same question and have only a couple of things to say about it. If you only have 1 (one) gun chambered for said cartridge do whatever trips your trigger and gives you the results you want. If you have more than 1 (one) gun chambered for the same cartridge you are short sighted fool to resize them differently for each gun. Size them SO THEY WILL WORK IN ANY GUN OF THE SAME CHAMBERING you have. Murphy is hard at work when you are getting your stuff together for a hunt with lots of things on your mind and even worse if you are also organizing for a woman or kid also. Don't get ANAL ABOUT YOUR RELIABILITY of your ammo to function correctly every single time. You asked. I have spoken from experience. Mb

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "