Some smart people thought the world was flat once upon a time. Things change. One night while going down an internet rabbit hole I found a research paper done where they fired several thousand rounds from a shooting machine. Full length sized,partial full length sized and neck sized. The full length sized rounds were more accurate. I wish I had saved a link. Truth is the target guys have proved it’s more consistent and more accurate. Thats why they do it. The other reason people neck size is to extend brass life. Properly ,key word properly, full length resized brass will last just as long. The other reason they fls is f class is a timed event. Having rounds that wont chamber or chamber hard can cost time on the shooting line. For a hunter who is outdoors in sometimes harsh conditions fls will ensure your brass always chambers. There really is no reason to neck size only other than that is they way you've always done it. If it works for you fine. But truth is truth. The earth is not flat and neck sizing is not better than fls your brass.