Were I a jury member, and the situation was that the female cop in question had intentionally shot the perp to prevent him escaping onto the street via a lethal weapon ( his car). Were she to testify that a considered decision said shooting the guy was in the benefit of public safety vs high speed pursuit.

I would, as a jury member, pat her on the back and compliment her on a job well done.

But that is not what happened. She fucqued up. As a police officer she has a duty to become proficient with the tools of her trade. She also has the duty to recognize if she is not proficient and find other employment.

As a forklift operator, or the driver of a car on the street, I have the same duty of proficiency. If I am not able to drive a vehicle without jumping onto the sidewalk and killing pedestrians, I have a duty to recognize that fact and stop driving.

As an employee, operating a forklift, or a railroad locomotive, I have a duty to learn safe operation. If I am incapable of operating the tools of my trade in a safe manner, I have a duty to get my ass off of the machine and find other employment. BEFORE I kill someone.

Apparently this female cop, after many years in the occupation was still incompetent to use the tools of her trade. And she was negligent in her duty to recognize her own short comings. She should have sought other employment many years ago. She did not care enough about the people she was sworn to protect to sacrifice her paycheck to protect them.

I would convict her of negligent homocide and hope the judge gives her ten years in the state pen.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.