Originally Posted by Nick1899
I guess with 22 posts I’m a very lazy troll. I assure you that I am not an anti gun Liberal. I seldom post unless a complete moron irks me as you have Saladrifle..

If you believe that the RCMP, CSIS, CBSA, JTF2 or any other Canadian government department has the resources or technology to verify every customer entering a gun shop then you have much larger issues that cannot be dealt with in this forum. I suggest you seek professional help. Live in your paranoid delusional world and stop vilifying hard working small business people trying to keep their employees safe in trying times.

By the way have you purchased that Taylor and Company rifle yet, I’d love to see pictures of it. That would be a wonderful addition to a collection for those as well off as you.

Wonderful chatting again with you,

It is interesting that you respond with a childish and desperate tirade of insults and unfounded accusations when someone has the audacity to disagree with you.

This IS, after all, what trolls do.

You call me a moron, question my sanity, call me delusional and paranoid, and accuse me of villifying small businesses, when you know that this is absolutely untrue.

After all, I was a customer with P&D for many years, beginning the first month that they opened. I still believe that they have a fine gun shop, and I have been satisfied with every purchase that I made there. And, I have been satisfied always with their customer service.

However, I do very strongly take exception to their mug shot requirements, and I can not in good conscience shop there any longer.

Furthermore, you know as well as I do that police can easily use the same biometric data that they use when creating driver's licenses and provincial I.D. cards to easily identify anyone from a close-up high definition photo.

I certainly am not saying that they WILL attempt to identify every customer that enters P&D.
But the in-house data-base would permit them to identify a visitor there if they wished to, and when they visited, and how many times they visited.

Congratulations on your 23rd post. Even if you may be a troll.

As for the rifle, yes it is nice to be able to afford the finer things in life.

Last edited by saddlegun; 05/01/21.