Originally Posted by brayhaven
OP, You’re exactly right, and there are more reasons.
There are some bad conspiracy mongers trying to dissuade people getting immunized. They’ll be responsible for thousands of deaths.
Vaccines have saved hundreds of millions of lives. Eradicated some diseases completely and added decades to our life expectancy.
The mRNA covid vaccines (phizer & moderna) are safe & effective with much larger test groups than normal.
They do not alter dna or rna.
Even a mild case of covid can cause permanent damage to heart, lungs, & other organs.
Do your own objective research. Don’t listen to some “chicken little” dude on the web.
Do you know for a fact there will be no long term bad effects from recently concocted preparation sold as a vaccine? Do you understand how it works? Might it open the body's defense to attack from variant corona viruses? Do you KNOW any of these things.

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