Originally Posted by Leanwolf
Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle
Isn’t that the website started by the chem trail guy?

They're not "chem trails." They're clouds of geo-engineering. Don't worry about them. Whatever they are, they're for your own good. Just like vaccines.

Besides, taking the jab for the Wuhan Wobblies, what's wrong with a little population control? Didn't that Great Hero of Green Environmentalism, Al Gore, state that the world was over-populated, especially with "useless eaters," aka people over the age of 60?

Who would deign to question any of Mr. Gore's sage pronouncements?? Afterall, he invented the Internet. That is why coders and software creators use the term "Al Gor-ythms." That is to honor in perpetuity the inventor of the Internet, the one and only Al Gore.


