Originally Posted by add

I consider you a conflicted f a g.

... or a plant.

How's this for conflicted? Think of your white collar employee in corporate America. They went on from high school to get a college degree in finance, engineering, some kind of science, business etc. so they could presumably make a better salary. If they don't still have student debt, they've probably got a mortgage, car payments, maybe some credit cards, life insurance, and they need health insurance because they've got kids now and they have to be responsible and everything and eventually want to help their kids pay for college too. So they've got a job working for corporate America, the S&P 500, Fortune 100 -- take your pick. Which of these isn't liberal-minded especially when it comes to the 2nd Amendment? Amazon, Apple, IBM, Deloitte, Salesforce, PWC, Bank of America, JP Morgan, AT&T, Facebook, Exxon, Google... If Republican (legislators) are supposed to be pro-Corporate America (as opposed to progressive dems), their affection certainly isn't reciprocated on this issue.

The conflict that the corporate man has stems from his huge investment in appealing to the corporations. His education, career, his family, his home, his healthcare, even where he lives, most all his life is leveraged on pleasing the company or another one just like it. Can he afford to be controversially pro-gun, pro-carry? I don't just mean will they survive career-wise. Do they have any friends that possess this unconventional thinking? What will their family think, the family that directed and supported their ascent through college into this career? The wife's friends? Sure, it's concealed and it doesn't have to be anybody else's business. I wouldn't even suggest that anyone should know. But how many people in this situation are going to that way without some support or guidance from anyone? They never saw their parents do it. They didn't learn it in college. They don't see it visible at the office. Where would they even get the notion, and if they did, what are the chances they'd have the courage to do it?