Sadly, the fire season was about a month early, therefore the fawns aren't going to be nimble enough to get out of the way of the fast moving fires. I was just starting to see an uptick in Mule deer populations after the new restrictions implemented.

Hopefully, people will understand that this land was formed by fire for thousands of years. Stopping fires isn't going to happen, but the quick response and the access to the land is within our control.

De-activating roads is a real problem for a quick response, the resource road is paid for and built, then it is again paid for to be destroyed. I know for a fact that if we get flames in behind some of these de-activated resource roads people will be running for their lives. I'm not sure what some of these people expected to happen?

The Government is in the process of massive deflection and coming up with excuses that are pure comedy. We are not in good hands, just ask some of the locals, its quite abit different response than what we see in the media from the talking heads who aren't even there to give an opinion.
I have warned friends living in vulnerable areas to get ready for the worst, unless we get rain, the worst is yet to come.