I don't cut and paste.

I will say this......of the three fires near me, they screwed up on two of them.
The one fire was smoldering for about 5 days, they were told by the locals the way the wind would blow, they ignored the warnings and the fire went down the mountain, across the valley, and up the other side in 6 hours, burning 30 homes.

This whiterock lake fire was contained, again local knowledge was ignored, destroying the timber supply for the next 3-4 generations. We talk about the timber supply, but need to also look at the hundreds of reforested blocks that were lost, some of them 50 years into their production.

The Okanagan mountain fire.....I was slashing in the park, the entire bush was diseased and dead from the main road to the top of the mountain. It is true that it was public pressure that would not allow the park to be burned in a safe manner. The timber wasn't merchantable so logging in any way wasn't going to happen...it burned and 300 homes were lost.

So who's fault is it?.......Its not a Liberal and NDP issue, its a collective responsibility of Government, specifically the forest service. Why is the forest service concerned with the Political?...its not their job to be Political, its their job to manage the forest. The forest service should never be concerned with public perception, ever.

Putting out fires is only part of it, it is the management of the forest to allow for a quick response and building permanent guards around vulnerable communities that is really the issue. The forest is going to burn, this land was formed by fire.