I keep reading where someone keeps on saying 94% of the cases of Corona-19 are unvaccinated. Why is this a bad thing. Pretty soon we will have our natural immunity (or be dead) either of which ought to be OK with the pro-vaccine crowd. I'm having trouble believing they are concerned about our health or even public health. This Corona scare has been fun for lots of folks. They got government checks, a lot of them got to stay home in their jammies all day and ''work'' from a computer, Government offices could lock their doors and not let the public in. We need to keep this going until the country goes from being on its knees to flat on its back. Then maybe ''they'' will be happy while we enjoy our dictatorship and financial collapse.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."