Originally Posted by akaSawDoctor
I’m all for the tin foil hat guys not taking a vaccine if you so wish however stand behind your convictions and stay out of the hospital if you get sick. Pretty much since day one it has been the goal to not overwhelm the healthcare system.

Basically if you are rejecting science, be a [bleep] man, stand behind your convictions and figure out to how to cure yourself by the same means you figured out how vaccines are a bad idea!!!

Unfortunately such is not the case and these same guys do the fastest 180 in history, get [bleep] scared, abandon their firmly held convictions and immediately look for science to bail your dumb ass out.

Basically asking the same people who just wanted to save your life, urging you to get vaccinated and whom you’ve decided should go pound sand, to forget that you are an idiot and save your life.

It just boggles my mind.

Just had an ex colleague die from covid yesterday. 39yrs old and lasted 8 days. Not vaccinated and very vocal about it as well. Wish he was still around to eat some crow.

Rant over

I had a bad head cold in December. Didn’t stay home because no one else was going to do my job. Closed my door and kept to myself. Had a bad taste in my mouth, lost my sense of taste for a couple of weeks. Why won’t you leave me the f&*^k alone?

Stand behind your convictions? If it is so bad, why don’t we let it run for 3-4 months and get it over? Then we’d have herd immunity. How about if the vaxed are so convinced, THEY agree not to go to the hospital? I mean, it works, right?