Originally Posted by Paddler
Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Originally Posted by steve4102
More lies, they more they claim Covid is filling up beds, the more federal dollars they get, and an added bonus to claim it’s the non vaccinated that are the culprits.

Believe none of it,

The Cleveland Clinic, one of the most prominent and largest hospital systems in the country, does not lie.

Steve4102 lies.

He's not the only one. The vast majority here lie about the vaccines, push bullsh*t alternative treatments and conspiracy theories. I was talking to another old guy at the gym yesterday about COVID-19. I got my booster on Saturday, he got his on Sunday. We both have a great deal of difficulty understanding all the anti-vax BS. Now, the differences in vaccination rates by ethnicity have shrunk, the greatest discrepancies are best explained by party affiliation.

I postulated that if the case fatality rate was higher, maybe the anti-vax crowd would change their minds. Near as I can tell, the case fatality rate is ~1.6%, 692000 deaths/42.3 million cases. Not high enough to change minds. Let's say the death rate was 20%. Here on the 'fire, it appears that the percentage anti-vaxxers is higher than in the nation as a whole. What if one of five here who got COVID-19 died? Or one in five of their family and friends who got it died? I can't help but think you'd see a lot less dumbf*ckery posted here.

But that is kind of the point. The fatality rate is not 20%. It is more like 1%. What is the TRUE incidence of negative reaction to the vax? How many mRNA shots do we have to take for this “vax”? What has happened with past mRNA experiments on animals? This is not like the polio, smallpox, mmr vaccines. Not even close. It isn’t even really a vaccine - it doesn’t prevent infection. This has not been vetted in the long-term like those. Many of the unvaxed are playing a game of odds, based on the information they have, and they don’t want it.

Last edited by Slope77; 09/28/21.