Originally Posted by Paddler

Debate with these anti-vaxxers is futile. They reject science, facts and truth. Reason will never convince them, they trust "alternative facts" and bullsh*t news sources. Fine, let them live in their alternate universe. But if they want to come back to the real world, ie, get health insurance, etc, hold them financially responsible. I think a 50% surcharge on their premiums is reasonable. Or, as Delta will be doing, a flat rate, monthly surcharge of several hundred dollars will change some minds.

If a surcharge is the plan, go ahead and add a big one as well for obesity, diabetes, nicotine, alcohol, not getting a flu/shingles/pneumonia/etc shot, cancer, high blood pressure, and every other disease where there is often free will involved, at least in part. It's a slippery slope when you start judging other people's actions.