The company I work for does both Gov and Commercial work. Because we do Gov work, we have to abide by all Government rules and regs for all contracts in order to keep our "standing" with the various agencies in order to get future Gov contracts. Our CFO and Contracts people came to me (COO) all worried that we needed to abide by the Vaccine mandate, since technically we are Gov contractors, and thinking we were going to lose our staff because we'd need to fire all of our employees who haven't been vaccinated. I told them I would enforce a vaccine mandate, that getting the vaccine was a personal decision, and I would not make that a requirement of our workforce.

What I found out that day was that our Financial and Contracts people just comply with every thing that comes down the pike from the Gov without question since they are constantly threatened with all of these ridiculous, over-the-top punishments (10 years in jail, loss of all contracts, hung by your fingernails, etc.). In any case, if the Gov gets a hard-on and wants to screw you (as a company), they certainly can, whether it has to do with Vaccines or any other little regulation that they think you didn't follow. They can cancel all your contracts, refuse payments for work already performed, require audit after audit, and will black list you so you never receive a Gov contract ever again. It's pretty difficult to fight back and win. Ask any larger Gov contractor like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, etc. how successful they are whenever they challenge a Gov decision on a contract. But...the chances of them doing that with regard to the vaccine mandate are pretty slim unless the Drive-by media and Biden personally set out to ruin you and make you an example. I assess that risk as very low.

I finally told the worriers that they can send the Gov people to me if anyone ever starts asking about our Vaccine compliance. At which time I will vouch that all of my employees have done so to the best of my knowledge, but I have no proof since I did not want to violate any HIPAA laws by asking about and/or gathering personal medical information. The worriers went away and I haven't heard anymore about it.