The state health dept calls HR at our company and informs them every time one of our employees tests positive for Covid.

They also call and tell us when the state has put one of our employees on a mandatory quarantine list because he/she has been exposed to Covid.

Oregon Dept of Health has threatened our factory with closure if management does not comply with quarantine orders.

Those on quarantine for exposure, report that Dept of Health calls them on a daily basis to ensure they "shelter in place". Though I have no knowledge of consequences for noncompliance.

They have been doing so since near the beginning of Covid protocols.

Does anyone think the state would have any problem informing the employer of any and all Vax status?

On a related note, the employer receives results of piss tests.

For the employer or interested Union officials to disseminate such information is a violation of HIPAA.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.