Originally Posted by HE112
My friend and I got into a debate, she said most people who died in Auschwitz, died from the gas chamber, I said the greater number perished from poor diet, overwork and disease. The average life expectancy was 6 weeks to 3 months. I have read numerous books and autobiographies and the gas chambers came later in the camp's life, I think it was 1943. As it is doubtful that we will ever know the exact details, the Germans were meticulous record keepers. Anyone have an idea which two categories did the most killing?

We broke the German's secret communication code in 1941. Not one mention was heard about the construction or use of homicidal gas chambers. The only structure currently claimed to have been used for that was in Auschwitz, which was in Soviet hands from the day of capture till the end of the Cold War. Today, they admit that it was a multi-use building during the war, and was altered after the war to appear to have been a crude gas chamber, in order to justify harsh post-war treatment of Germans and Germany.

Additionally, that structure could not even function as the Soviets designed it to function, if the German objective was to create a structure for killing people with Zyklon B gas. Zyklon B was a common pesticide, in constant use during WWII for controlling lice, which were known to be the cause of typhus. The Germans knew perfectly well how to construct buildings for the use of Zyklon B, as each camp had perfectly well functioning, and safe, fumigation chambers for clothing. Those chambers were properly sealed against leakage, with specially designed rubber-sealed doors, and no windows, and no one claims people were killed in them. The supposed Auschwitz homicidal gas chamber (constructed by the Russians after the war as a prop) had ordinary glass windows and an unsealed door (just a regular door). Furthermore, that door opened inwards, which makes no sense if it was to a homicidal gas chamber, since after murdering people in there, you wouldn't be able to open the door for the bodies in the way.

Supposedly, Germans just tossed the Zyklon B pellets into the room from ports in the roof, constructed by the Germans just for this purpose. Two problems with that: 1) that's not how Zyklon B works. It needs to be placed in a specially designed machine to heat it up to high temperatures, which causes the pellets to release their gas. The machine then blows the gas into the fumigation chamber where clothes are hung, which machines the Germans knew perfectly well how to construct and use, since they used them in their clothes fumigation chambers. And 2) The Russians today admit that those ports were additions they made to the building to further the claim that it was used by the Germans as a homicidal gas chamber (They claim, in way of justification, that it was a "reconstruction" rather than a prop). Nothing about the homicidal gas chamber claims about Auschwitz stand up to even the slightest scrutiny. Many died in the camps, but it wasn't from gas chambers.

Records indicate a serious problem with lice and typhus in the camps during the last months of the war, which, combined with malnutrition, overcrowding, and the absence of medical supplies (supply lines had been severed by Allied bombing), killed many thousands of prisoners (more Roman Catholics than Jews, incidentally). Many of the photos of huge numbers of dead bodies, supposedly of gas chamber victims, were actually images of victims of Allied bombing, often accidentally targeting camps and hospitals, not to mention trains filled with prisoners wrongly thought by the Allied pilots to be transporting war supplies.

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