Originally Posted by AcesNeights
While Dachau was NOT an extermination camp like Auschwitz, Madjavek (sp), etc there was most DEFINITELY a gas chamber and crematorium. I just went and took out my old pictures. The Germans were pretty good at record keeping and labeling and the old signs still in their original place match pictures from the days after liberation.

I agree that camps like Dachau probably suffered more deaths from disease and malnutrition than died from “murder” but that ain’t saying much. 😉
“I was in Dachau for 17 months after the war, as a U.S. War Department Attorney, and can state that there was no gas chamber at Dachau. What was shown to visitors and sightseers there and erroneously described as a gas chamber was a crematory. Nor was there a gas chamber in any of the other concentration camps in Germany.”

- Stephen Pinter (Our Sunday Visitor, June 14, 1955, p. 15)