Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Originally Posted by BCBH

Did camps exist? Yes. We had them here also. Where the German camps sole purpose to genocide? No, that's the lie.

Hey Einstein, I hate to clue you in but a lot of the camps that Eisenhower documented were for the express purpose of killing Jews.

If you don't believe that, go ask Otto Frank.

Believe Otto Frank? LOL Maybe we should take Elliot Wiesel's word too while we're at it LOL

How many of Otto's family died in gas chambers?

The real atrocity is the intentional sacrifice of millions of gentile men for zionism from at least 1917 through today. The jews were even pestering Abraham Lincoln to create Israel for them during the Civil War. It's been in the works for a long time. The Scofield Bible was written by jews in order to help facilitate the mess the world is in now.

The result of WW2 was Liberalism/Communism (today's Globo-homo) smashing racial Nationalism. This is why white countries must be flooded w 3rd worlders today.

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