Russia/ukraine is just yet another distraction in Operation Covid- Wipe out Middle Class. The inflation that is going to drive us into 2nd world living standards needs a scapegoat and looks like Putin will get the blame for all of it. He has no problem as he is part of the game and has been promised a few old territories in return.

And its working well.

Look at all the attention over this unimportant rubbish.

Our countries are still a patchwork of mandates and burning craters of financial damage that used to be our small businesses, new laws are being rolled out every minute, the 31 x 1st world constitutions, the most powerful documents ever written by humans apart from the bible are being torn up every minute. And schmo's in their TV rooms, in the street, even on this forum were diverted to the new bugbear of some nothing war in just 2-3 news stories.

If the news readers had reached through the screen with a lobotomy fork they couldnt have done a more effective job.