The Vietnam War was founded on a lie, The Tonkin Gulf Resolution. The dinks didn't really attack our warship. And it was founded on the Domino Theory, which also turned out to be BS.

George Bush had political pull, his Daddy was a powerful politician. Yes he flew fighter jets during the war, flew in the United States in the Air Guard. George never saw the smoke trail of a Commie SAM missle. Bush was a draft dodger. Dan Quayle, VP under Daddy Bush, had political pull, got in the Indiana National Guard. He stayed 6,000 miles away from 'Nam. Quayle was a draft dodger.

Cheney got about five college deferments, so he dodged the draft as well.
Rush Limbaugh was prime to be sent to the Vietnam War. Flunked out of college after 2 quarters. His daddy was a powerful lawyer in small town Missouri, got a friendly doc to declare him 4-F because Rush had a polynoidal cyst. A boil on his butt. Daddy Limbaugh had some "pull" with the local draft board. Rush was a draft dodger.

But I sure remember Rush banging the war drums for the Iraq War. His in-house band did a knockoff of the Beach Boys "Barbara Ann."
"Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iraq..., Oh, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iraq..."
Rush thought the war was funny.

After 9/11, Bush and Cheney lied through their teeth to start the Iraq War. Another misbegotten war, that did more harm than good. None of Bush or Cheney's children fought in that war.