Originally Posted by Theoldpinecricker
Dick Cheney got deferred 5 times. In essence he dodged it via connections. Bush the Younger got to party and deserted in the Texas Air Natl Guard. Bet he has a few party stories.

As per a draft now? Screw that. I surely wouldn't volunteer myself or want relatives or anybody for that matter to go die while the Duck Cheneys of the world can do backdoor no bid deals and enrich themselves.

My dad went to the Asha Valley in Vietnam and after getting back suffered from tumors and rashes from defoliant agents used in the jungle on the firebases he lived on. Eventually he got service related Parkinsons from that exposure and that was determined 3 years before he died by DOD/VA system. Before that it was an series of lies, we don't knows, we don't have any record, and denials. So no, I don't and won't recommend any national service because those in charge don't have the interests of this nation and its people. A draft is an piss poor idea unless you like feudalism.

Yes, if your dad had been a draft dodger, he would not have been poisoned by his own government with Agent Orange.