Originally Posted by Mackay_Sagebrush
Ask yourself if the gun you are choosing is one that you are willing to get into a standup gunfight with, against one or two attackers, who are armed. Since they (I will use plural verbiage, but it may be a single person) chose to commit heinous acts upon their fellow man, likely planned beforehand and are carrying substantial firepower.
Odds are in their favor right from the start, as they intended them to be in their favor. They deliberately planned it this way.

Many tend to choose handguns that are really Talismans. In other words, they are relying on hope as a strategy. They "hope" that if they produce their little 7 shot micro pistol (that is comfortable to carry)and point it in the direction of what scares them it will ward off evil and that will be all it takes. This has never made any sense, as there is an expectation that the bad guys are thinking rationally. The fact is that the very vast majority of people commiting violent crimes/shootings, etc, are either under the influence of narcotics and/or suffering from a mental health issue. They are not rational thinkers, so expecting them to behave rationally is simply not something one should bet their life on.

In talking with a lot of people who carry these tiny pocket guns over the years, and getting into their thought process it is pretty much always the same.

They "hope" they don't have to actually engage in exchanging back and forth fire with an adversary or two.

That is their strategy.

Their tiny gun is really a good luck charm.

The reality is that a person is better off choosing a handgun not based on what feels good in their hand, or what fits in their pocket. They are better off choosing a handgun that they can actually perform well with under stress. Ask yourself "what is the smallest handgun I am willing to get into a gunfight with against 1 or 2 armed men?" That is your answer.

Some guns are great to carry in your pocket and you can shoot them well, standing, shooting slowfire. But when it comes to making fast and accurate hits at any sort of distance, that is where the wheels fall off.

Don't rely on the old nonsense of "average" gunfights being 3.5 rounds at 10 feet nonsense. Most of those statistics are heavily skewed anyways, having such things as dog attacks and various shootings that are not relevant thrown in the mix. Plus, you are "hoping" you are not a statistical outlier.

Choose what you can make fast and accurate hits with. Not a talisman that is comfortable to carry.

You will get the fight you get, not the one you want to get.

The odds will likely already be against you right from the beginning, so choose wisely.

Great post..........i want nothing to do with micro guns of any type. And the pure fact is that no one really shoots them as well as a mid-size or full size handgun, especially at distances over essentially, point blank. (As a BUG I will carry a J-frame on occasion)

I want shoot-ability & capacity over all else. Period.

The G-19 or the S&W 2.0 Compact are just about perfection in all regards, depending on which one fits better & shoots better for you.

Or a Commander sized 1911, albiet, giving up some round capacity.

Learn to get the right holster & attire & they are all easily concealed.