Originally Posted by alwaysoutdoors
How do you know Maser is the original account ? LMAO
Dunno.... could be spin and defection
Back in one of his Masar post long ago.
He laid it out about 3 accounts he uses and how he uses VPN to keep on making accounts, saying Bin could basically do nothing about his new accounts he makes.

I have posted up that link to that post several times.

The dude is neurotic and obsessed..

Bin would be better just 86,ing/ ghosting any suspected Masar/ Jason Cardonas account.
The site loses nothing from it.
He loses nothing from it and can gain alot more thanks and respect from it IMO....
And this coming from me of all people.
One of the biggest azzholes on the site.

As of late I have tormented several Masar sockpuppets that I suspect.

He dosen't seem to have a willingness to engage me back.
Trying to lay low and bulld cred is what he has been doing.

Let others fuuuuk with the sick little puppy that needs to be put down.
I'm kinda tired of it honestly...
