Wow, after loosing several fingers last year from the very beginning my outlook was it's a scratch there'd thousands of people that would gladly trade places with my and what I am going through. That being said when the bandages came off for the final time I walked to my car and cried for a hour straight before being able to drive home still on tears. With a bandage on I could pretend it was just a hand injury, when it came off there was no hiding it. The kid took it harder than I did. The day before he found out his biological father died of a herroin overdose. Then he witnessed the only father he's ever known almost die. It haunts me to this day asking him to go down and help find my fingers. That being said I lost my father and mother within 6 months of each other and in between that my brother backed over my dog who was getting up there in years and fell asleep under the car. I was thinking well at least I don't have to put her down. I was wrong when I drove to the house she was lying down wagging her tail like nothing was wrong except her back was broken. Hardest thing was putting the 22 to her head.

You've got to hand it to a blind prostitute