All is mostly good. Still in Sarasota. Just got cell. Still no internet at the house . Power only out 10 hours. Uncle still out of power took his freezer food yesterday to save it. Heavy rain and scary winds carrying debries. Saw a tree limb hit the flag pole across the street and snap it at the base. Not some flimsy diy pole either. We lowered the pool but it filled up to close to over flow and then the power went out so we ran a submerable pump off a genny to keep the pool down or it would have flooded into the house. Lots of down trees, pool screens, awning and windows blown. Big oaks down everwhere but all family properties good with just a few trees down and no building damage. Pretty wiped out been cleaning debries from sewers grates to clear and avoid flooding but rain never came after it passed so good luck up this way. Cell & text went off and on and now back on got a bunch of text and voicemails. My cousin in Ft Meyers works for a small tight-knit outfit and the bosses home is gone. They were rescued from the attic.

Without any internet, TV or cell until cell this AM we know little outside of our area. Prayers to those in areas sout of here.