It's a filter and pump.

Correct on equipment - not much heat at all. We keep the showers short and because it's basically instant - it's not on a long time 'getting warm". Don't know if I'd worry about that tho - they've got good spacing around the internals and we mounted direct to the wall - no issues at all.

There's nothing we'd really change on it. Our issue is being worried about freezing. The shed it's in - not heated or insulated so when nights get low as they're about to - we drain it and prep for freezing - especially the inside. It's not a good set up for rifle season - temps in the single digits. If there was an easy way to have the barrels inside AND ensure none of the hoses could freeze - would be better but this is pretty off grid - we are 40 acres off the road, no electricity save a Honda generator so there's no easy way to provide low heat to the area and keep it from freezing.

If you're in TX - probably not a concern at all.

It's 100% rain water - I'd not recommend it for drinking - we just use it a lot in the summer/early season to extend our time up there - rinse dirt/mud off etc. Feels like a million bucks after 3 days of cutting wood or whatever in summer temps.
