If it were not for Chiropractors, at 62 and after playing football as a middle linebacker for 15 years, I would be a complete mess most likely walking around in a bent-over position and in agony.

When I started seeing chiropractors back in the early 80's most people considered them "Voodo Witch Doctors" rather than the highly trained and educated Doctors that they actually are.

I can not recommend them higher, if you have back issues find yourself a great one, and you will be happy you did!

"The Old Man used to look at you before he lowered the table. Just visual.
Then say, "Ya really got 'er fůcked up don't ya?
Bet it hurts like a son of a bïtch right in there?" As he touched where it hurt."

Exactly Dillonbuck said above lol


Last edited by KillerBee; 11/01/22.