Chiropractors are quacks. Unless they help. Then they're miracle healers.

Problem is, they think their methodology is so all-encompassing that they can cure acne, buck teeth and redheads. That's why I called them quacks. But they can & do provide alot of relief (sometimes temporary, sometimes long term) depending on your issue.

What I found interesting before I visited my first chiro was at a trade show where they had a booth and I just happened to be in a bad place (they could tell from my gait). Guy asked me to step on scales and WOW did that tell the story. I weighed 184#, but there was something like 10# weight difference between left & right foot (87# left, 97# right); my back was contorting itself to resolve the herniated disc.

I had longtime L4-L5 issue. When my weight pops above 195#, or I do something excessively strenuous and pop that joint, here comes the crippling pain. Sometime 1-2 sessions get that bugger straightened out, other times 2-3 weeks. But, for me, the three chiro's I've used over the decades were successful at resolving the issue.

Did they "heal me"? No, but they triaged the problem, and that's close enough.

Put me in the "yes" column.