Originally Posted by NWT
Originally Posted by gr8fuldoug
Originally Posted by NWT
Congratulations on your new line of CCP made products.
You should be so proud selling your CCP made products.
Do you watch the news or is it all just about the money for you?

Unfortunately, in the industry I am in if we eliminated all made in China, and parts made in China, I would not have very much, if anything to sell. Similar to the computers and cell phones that come from China and the appliances in our homes. We do not carry product from direct from China, Chinese owned companies, like Vector optics where the company is a wholly owned and operated Chinese operation. If there were USA companies that made the products we offer, from start to finish with no Chinese components, we would absolutely be all over it. Unfortunately, that does not exist.

As far as your comment of " is it all just about the money for you?" If it were 12-16 hour days of retail would not be what I'd be doing.

Do you even hunt?
How many rifles do you own and what calibers are they?
How often are you at a rifle range or out in the rocky mountains of the west or northern woods testing the products you promote and sell?
What qualifies you as EXPERT in the shooting sports?
I have many sports optics not made by the CCP. There are sport optics options if one chooses not to support the CCP.
I find the promoting of CCP made products for the American HUNTING and SHOOTING SPORTS that we have the FREEDOM to enjoy offensive and UN AMERICAN . Your comments about appliances and such are untrue and just a means to justify your actions. I don’t buy it! You have your followers, not sure why.
For those that believe there are not options are naive .

The lady doth protest too much.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]