Originally Posted by NWT
Originally Posted by NWT
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by NWT
Originally Posted by gr8fuldoug
Originally Posted by NWT
Congratulations on your new line of CCP made products.
You should be so proud selling your CCP made products.
Do you watch the news or is it all just about the money for you?

Unfortunately, in the industry I am in if we eliminated all made in China, and parts made in China, I would not have very much, if anything to sell. Similar to the computers and cell phones that come from China and the appliances in our homes. We do not carry product from direct from China, Chinese owned companies, like Vector optics where the company is a wholly owned and operated Chinese operation. If there were USA companies that made the products we offer, from start to finish with no Chinese components, we would absolutely be all over it. Unfortunately, that does not exist.

As far as your comment of " is it all just about the money for you?" If it were 12-16 hour days of retail would not be what I'd be doing.

Do you even hunt?
How many rifles do you own and what calibers are they?
How often are you at a rifle range or out in the rocky mountains of the west or northern woods testing the products you promote and sell?
What qualifies you as EXPERT in the shooting sports?
I have many sports optics not made by the CCP. There are sport optics options if one chooses not to support the CCP.
I find the promoting of CCP made products for the American HUNTING and SHOOTING SPORTS that we have the FREEDOM to enjoy offensive and UN AMERICAN . Your comments about appliances and such are untrue and just a means to justify your actions. I don’t buy it! You have your followers, not sure why.
For those that believe there are not options are naive .

Where has he ever claimed to be an expert in shooting sports. I don't think he has ever mentioned hunting either. He is an optics dealer, and a damn good and honest one at that. He doesn't balk at all when asked for COO and has gone out of his way to provide that info. He provided a comprehensive list of which Burris scopes are made where. He likely has far more knowledge of product reliability than most of us that do shoot and hunt. I will never purposefully buy a scope that says "made in China" on it. Doug carries a wide variety of non-Chinese options for folks like me. Just which dealer do you buy your scopes from?

1) CAMERA LAND jumps on about every scope thread on what to buy and recommends many times the CHINESE CCP optics he is pushing….. if he is not a self proclaimed internet expert why is he recommending scopes to people?
2) I don’t purchase my optics from dealers who are pushing CHINESE CCP optics daily on every hunting/shooting related website that I follow. Very annoying to see these for sale ads daily. Sure other dealers sell some of the same crap but they are not pushing CHINESE CCP made products down my throat daily.
3)I am way more comfortable purchasing items/products from salespeople who actually use the products they are selling, and using these products in the field / real world experience and have firsthand knowledge, not just repeating what I can read from a brochure . My mindset is if you are marketing and targeting hunters/ shooters I want to deal with someone who actually participates in my sport. I am not going to rely on information on rifle scopes and other sport optics from someone in metro NYC that gathers his information from sales brochures while sitting at his desk in NYC.
The CHINESE CCP are out of control. Tired of seeing these CCP ads and pushing their crap on website forums designed to be informative, not self serving sales ads promoting their CCP made products.
Sounds like some here are ready for their CCP BALLOON RIDE.

Why don't you start your own forum? Pretty entitled and I'm sure Mr. Bin doesn't appreciate you bashing one of his sponsors. Oh, and go f u c k yourself.