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This guy is not a yak farmer. He might be an engineer at the Arken plant, though. Pol Pot killed people who wore glasses because it was seen as a sign of literacy. The kind of human capital that can engineer or reverse engineer and build sophisticated technology like high-end optics and cell phones is harder to oppress than peasants. Problem for the CCP is that you need more than peasants today unless you want to be North Korea. If the Chinese system values the kind of people who can make Arken happen, people who READ and who talk to other people who READ and the institutions that produce them, people like the dude in the picture, then it's only a matter of time. Yeah, it's risky, takes time, messy. No, it's not perfect. But, maybe the most patriotic thing we can do is buy an Arken and remember that the dude who's building it might be the one who changes things over there. Pay attention - what's going on in the picture is still going on today.

Also, besides having narrower eyes than most of us, the dude in the picture also has balls bigger than yours and mine put together.

"One should not talk to a skilled hunter about what is forbidden by the Buddha."

- Hsiang-yen by way of Gary Snyder