Originally Posted by NWT

1) CAMERA LAND jumps on about every scope thread on what to buy and recommends many times the CHINESE CCP optics he is pushing….. if he is not a self proclaimed internet expert why is he recommending scopes to people?
2) I don’t purchase my optics from dealers who are pushing CHINESE CCP optics daily on every hunting/shooting related website that I follow. Very annoying to see these for sale ads daily. Sure other dealers sell some of the same crap but they are not pushing CHINESE CCP made products down my throat daily.
3)I am way more comfortable purchasing items/products from salespeople who actually use the products they are selling, and using these products in the field / real world experience and have firsthand knowledge, not just repeating what I can read from a brochure . My mindset is if you are marketing and targeting hunters/ shooters I want to deal with someone who actually participates in my sport. I am not going to rely on information on rifle scopes and other sport optics from someone in metro NYC that gathers his information from sales brochures while sitting at his desk in NYC.
The CHINESE CCP are out of control. Tired of seeing these CCP ads and pushing their crap on website forums designed to be informative, not self serving sales ads promoting their CCP made products.
Sounds like some here are ready for their CCP BALLOON RIDE.

Forums like this do not exist without sponsors. Doug is a sponsor. A damn good one. An option for you is to put him on ignore.

Shooting guns is a sport? Then this guy is an athlete.

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