Originally Posted by Phillip_Nesmith
The metric system is based on a certain fraction of the speed of light, a constant, not old arbitrary made up measurements like other systems. It should be the world's standard. But people are most comfortable using what they were taught when they were young, myself included. Our science teachers tried to teach us the metric system when I was in school in the 70s and early 80s with varying success. Some people have poor understanding of mathematics in general. Unfortunately I am one of them and I did poorly learning metric, my understanding of it is rudimentary at best. The USA should have went ahead with the changeover during the 1970's, fifty years of accommodation would have been done and everyone would have been used to metric and comfortable with it by now. It will probably never happen because of all the "we're great and superior" jingoism. Maybe better anyways at least in my lifetime, I'm too old to learn it now.

Show me where, please.

I do not think this is true as the speed of light is 2.998 x 10 to the eight power expressed in meters per second.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.