You have plenty of rifle/cartridge recommendations.
I used to have phantom pain that moved around my body for no reason at all. Laugh at what I'm going to say, but I am PROOF! Eliminate GRAINS from your diet. All bread, pasta, corn, rice and even beer/wiskey. It must be 100%!! Eliminating 90% only gives you a 10% result. I go grain free for weeks and then I give in and have a piece of cake or a brownie (flour). The next day I will have joint pain for no reason in a joint. Once I ate 3 pcs of pizza, I had elbow pain for 3 days that felt like somebody was drilling into my elbow with a dull bit. I now know that I will go through the rest of my life w/o pizza. Try it for 30 days - let me know what you think. This is for joint pain only, I still have muscle pain if I split too much wood...

Some is Good---More is Better----Too Much is Just Right