Originally Posted by Burleyboy
I read all about this when I read agenda 21 years ago. I'm sure it's in agenda 2030 as well. You can already see lots of apartment complexes of 4 to 5 story along the newish commuter rail in Utah. There's one near my inlaws house that has spartments around a movie theater with several fast food joints nearby all next to the rail system. There's not nearly enough parking spots for the apartments and every night cars are parked on both sides of any street within a block of the apartments.

Rexburg Idaho is starting to build lots of 4-5 storey apartments above restaurants near the university with little to no parking nearby. Makes it tough to go to Cafe Rio if you're driving. There's no fire escapes on any of the apartments either but they have sprinkler systems that hopefully work when it's 30 degrees below.

When I went to school there years ago student apartments had to have a parking spot for each bed. Now there's very few parking spots and buildings built right close to 2 lane streets.


I saw those when I was down there couple months ago. My bud took me to a pizza joint that was in one of them. Great concept for 18-late 20yr olds.

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.